Devotions Commotions is a feature of behind the scenes, funny wedding stories from of our years in the biz. We know you’ll enjoy these TRUE tales of marriage merriment and mayhem!
Sew Stressful: I had a bride who was just finishing getting dressed with the help of her proud mother and excited Maid of Honor. Her beautiful gown had buttons from her neck all the way down to her butt. As they slid another loop over a button, I heard the mom say that the button came completely off the dress. No big deal. Not sure anyone would notice just one button missing, right? Then I heard a giant gasp…
Every single button was sewn on one thread… and button after button came loose. I ran in there, told the bride: “Don’t breathe!!!” and tied off the thread. Luckily the area of missing buttons was hidden by an appliqué of lace on the veil. I quickly just hand-stitched the dress with the help of Grandma. We literally sewed this bride into her dress! Then we actually used superglue to adhere the buttons over the seam. We weren’t sure what she would or could do with the wedding dress afterwards, but no cared at the time!
I asked one of the bridesmaid’s boyfriends to quickly run to Walmart on the way to the reception in Green Bay, buy a scissors, then put it on the groom’s plate. Obviously the groom was thoroughly confused– not knowing what the scissors were for, until the beans were spilled during the speeches, LOL. This lovely groom was going to have to literally cut his brand new bride out of her dress on their wedding night.
Just another “terrifying tragedy” that makes for funny wedding stories and family laughs to share through the generations!